We recently tackled a rite of passage; our first full family camping trip! The kids have been asking for months to go camping, and we ended up picking the perfect weekend to head up to DeSoto State Park last month. The camp grounds were quiet, save for a naughty racoon that got curious around 1am. Let me tell you, if you're a true crime connoisseur, you can easily imagine what was going through my head before we discovered it was a racoon causing trouble.

One of the highlights of the trip was the time we spent wadding in the water. Kent brought his fly fishing rod and we all got a chance to cast the rod out while our dog, Sherlock, stumbled around the rocks. Burgers and smores were on the menu for the evening, while we woke up to pancakes and sausage the next morning. All in all, we had a blast (no matter how little sleep Kent and I got)!

And now for a little photography background info. Typically I shoot my personal work on film, and that's what you'll see here. All images were shot on 35mm with Ektar 100 and Ilford HP5. The black and white images are nice and grainy, a personal preference of mine. The color images were shot on Ektar, which usually stays loaded in my camera during the summertime. They're a match made in heaven!

*All images were developed and scanned by Electra Film Lab. SO happy to have a local film lab in Birmingham!